Monday, 7 January 2013

Experienced Oncologist In New York For Prostate Biopsy

Prostate cancer treatment is a complex task even for skilled surgeons. However, New York urologists have found a way to offer prostate cancer patients a successful treatment through robotic surgery. Experienced oncologist in New York has developed a unique prostate removal technique that does not harm the other bodily functions. However, before a gland is found cancerous, a biopsy needs to be performed. Here, again, non thermal robotic biopsy takes place to decide the future course of treatment. 

Robotic biopsy reduces the strain on prostate nerves as compared to conventional biopsy techniques. Further, this procedure does not affect urinary functions or sexual performances. Since prostate cancer mostly strikes older men, post surgical incontinence is always an issue. However, with Da Vinci robotic biopsy and surgery this problem is put to rest, once and for all. Oncologists vouch for its success and patients stand as testimonies. The procedure ensures minimum blood transfusion and is completed within a short while. 

To get a complete treatment for prostate cancer, New York urologists suggest prostate biopsy. It is quite gentle on nerves, and patients are released soon after. Only the finest oncologist in New York should be consulted for this surgery. Prostate cancer is known to spread quickly. 

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