Monday, 7 January 2013

Understand The Procedure Of Prostate Biopsy Before Surgery

Prostate cancer diagnosis is usually performed through prostate biopsy. Patients who show abnormal prostate parameters are advised to undergo a biopsy so that treatments can begin. Often robotic prostatectomy is prescribed to patients in advanced stages of prostate cancer. Biopsy is performed in two ways normally. A rectal ultrasound and biopsy is the first priority. Patients might or might not be put under anesthesia for this procedure.

A patient is offered a relaxing atmosphere so that the entire body is able to loosen up, and eliminate stress. Rectal invasion is minimal and hence there are few cases of bleeding. Surgeons extract prostate cores and send them for examination. A pathologist checks them for the presence of carcinogens and prepares the report. If the prostate cores show cancer, robotic prostate removal is suggested. This is a heat less surgical process and poses no risk of either post surgery urinary incontinence or weakened sexual functions. Robotic surgery preserves normal erectile functions. 

The second method of prostate biopsy is the perineural biopsy. This is an equally effective technique and occurs near the scrotal sac. Both these methods determine the presence of prostate cancer and the damaged gland are surgically removed through robotic prostatectomy.

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